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Terra 2018 Planet & Earth Engine

Message from Terra

CICESE is pleased to invite you to our Pointcloud And Remote Sensing Workshop Aimed at undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers in Earth / Ocean sciences, Computing, private companies (environmental consultancy, geomatics, topographic, geodesic services), NGOs (conservation, environment) From august 14 to 16 2018, at CICESE on Ensenada, B.C.


The Planet Story

With mission one completed Planet has the capability of mapping the entire planet every single day. We are trying to ask the harder question, the ones that are yet to be asked and answered. For now this notion of building a queryable earth as mission two, comes from our passion to look and to search for things.


Google Earth Engine Browser Based Remote Sensing

I like to tell people that Google Earth Engine does browser based remote sensing , because all you need is an active internet connection and a browser to run this. To bring us to a fair playing field when it comes to analyzing and repeating data analysis.
