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Google Earth Engine Batch Asset Manager with Addons

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Google Earth Engine Batch Asset Manager with Addons is an extension of the one developed by Lukasz here and additional tools were added to include functionality for moving assets, conversion of objects to fusion table, cleaning folders, querying tasks. The ambition is apart from helping user with batch actions on assets along with interacting and extending capabilities of existing GEE CLI. It is developed case by case basis to include more features in the future as it becomes available or as need arises.

If you use this tool to download data for your research, and find this tool useful, star and cite it as below

Samapriya Roy. (2019, October 6). samapriya/gee_asset_manager_addon: GEE Asset Manager with Addons (Version 0.3.3). Zenodo.

Table of contents


We assume Earth Engine Python API is installed and EE authorised as desribed here.

Quick installation pip install geeadd

To install using github:

git clone
cd gee_asset_manager_addon && pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Installation is an optional step; the application can be also run directly by executing script. The advantage of having it installed is being able to execute geeadd as any command line tool. I recommend installation within virtual environment. To install run

python develop or python install

In a linux distribution
sudo python develop or sudo python install

Getting started

As usual, to print help:


To obtain help for a specific functionality, simply call it with help switch, e.g.: geeadd upload -h. If you didn't install geeadd, then you can run it just by going to geeadd directory and running python [arguments go here]


You can upload tables and rasters using geeup. This uses selenium to handle uploading and hence cannot be used in a headless environment.

Usage examples

EE User

This tool is designed to allow different users to change earth engine authentication credentials. The tool invokes the authentication call and copies the authentication key verification website to the clipboard which can then be pasted onto a browser and the generated key can be pasted back


This tool allows you to create a collection or folder in your earth engine root directory. The tool uses the system cli to achieve this and this has been included so as to reduce the need to switch between multiple tools and CLI.

usage: create [-h] --typ TYP --path PATH

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --typ TYP    Specify type: collection or folder
  --path PATH  This is the path for the earth engine asset to be created full
               path is needsed eg: users/johndoe/collection

Asset List

This tool is designed to either print or output asset lists within folders or collections using earthengine ls tool functions.

usage: lst [-h] --location LOCATION --typ TYP [--items ITEMS]
                     [--output OUTPUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit

Required named arguments.:
  --location LOCATION  This it the location of your folder/collection
  --typ TYP            Whether you want the list to be printed or output as

Optional named arguments:
  --items ITEMS        Number of items to list
  --output OUTPUT      Folder location for report to be exported

Asset Size

This tool allows you to query the size of any Earth Engine asset[Images, Image Collections, Tables and Folders] and prints out the number of assets and total asset size in non-byte encoding meaning KB, MB, GB, TB depending on size.

usage: geeadd assetsize [-h] --asset ASSET

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --asset ASSET  Earth Engine Asset for which to get size properties

App to Script

This tool writes out or prints the underlying earthengine code for any public earthengine app. The tool has an option to export the code into a javascript file that you can then paste into Google Earth Engine code editor.

geeadd app2script -h
usage: geeadd app2script [-h] --url URL [--outfile OUTFILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --url URL          Earthengine app url

Optional named arguments:
  --outfile OUTFILE  Write the script out to a .js file: Open in any text

Simple setup can be

geeadd app2script --url ""

or write to a javascript file which you can then open with any text editor and paste in earthengine code editor

geeadd app2script --url "" --outfile "Full path to javascript.js"

Earth Engine Asset Report

This tool recursively goes through all your assets(Includes Images, ImageCollection,Table,) and generates a report containing the following fields [Type,Asset Type, Path,Number of Assets,size(MB),unit,owner,readers,writers].

usage: ee_report [-h] --outfile OUTFILE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --outfile OUTFILE  This it the location of your report csv file
A simple setup is the following geeadd --outfile "C:\johndoe\report.csv"

Task Query

This script counts all currently running and ready tasks along with failed tasks.

usage: tasks [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit tasks

Task Report

Sometimes it is important to generate a report based on all tasks that is running or has finished. Generated report includes taskId, data time, task status and type

usage: geeadd taskreport [-h] [--r R]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --r R       Folder Path where the reports will be saved

Delete a collection with content:

The delete is recursive, meaning it will delete also all children assets: images, collections and folders. Use with caution!

geeadd delete users/johndoe/test

Console output:

2016-07-17 16:14:09,212 :: oauth2client.client :: INFO :: Attempting refresh to obtain initial access_token
2016-07-17 16:14:09,213 :: oauth2client.client :: INFO :: Refreshing access_token
2016-07-17 16:14:10,842 :: root :: INFO :: Attempting to delete collection test
2016-07-17 16:14:16,898 :: root :: INFO :: Collection users/johndoe/test removed

Delete all directories / collections based on a Unix-like pattern

geeadd delete users/johndoe/*weird[0-9]?name*

Assets Move

This script allows us to recursively move assets from one collection to the other.

usage: mover [-h] [--assetpath ASSETPATH] [--finalpath FINALPATH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --assetpath ASSETPATH
                        Existing path of assets
  --finalpath FINALPATH
                        New path for assets mover --assetpath "users/johndoe/myfolder/myponycollection" --destination "users/johndoe/myfolder/myotherponycollection"

Assets Copy

This script allows us to recursively copy assets from one collection to the other. If you have read acess to assets from another user this will also allow you to copy assets from their collections.

usage: copy [-h] [--initial INITIAL] [--final FINAL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --initial INITIAL  Existing path of assets
  --final FINAL      New path for assets mover --initial "users/johndoe/myfolder/myponycollection" --final "users/johndoe/myfolder/myotherponycollection"

Assets Access

This tool allows you to set asset acess for either folder , collection or image recursively meaning you can add collection access properties for multiple assets at the same time.

usage: access [-h] --asset ASSET --user USER --role ROLE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --asset ASSET  This is the path to the earth engine asset whose permission
                 you are changing folder/collection/image
  --user USER    Full email address of the user, try using "AllUsers" to make
                 it public
  --role ROLE    Choose between reader, writer or delete

Set Collection Property

This script is derived from the ee tool to set collection properties and will set overall properties for collection.

usage: collprop [-h] [--coll COLL] [--p P]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --coll COLL  Path of Image Collection
  --p P        "system:description=Description"/"system:provider_url=url"/"sys

Cancel all tasks

This is a simpler tool, can be called directly from the earthengine cli as well

earthengine cli command
earthengine task cancel all

usage: cancel [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit



  • General improvements
  • Added tool to get underlying code from earthengine app


  • Updated list and asset size functions
  • Updated function to generate earthengine asset report
  • General optimization and improvements to distribution
  • Better error handling


  • Removed upload function
  • Upload handles by geeup
  • General optimization and improvements to distribution
  • Better error handling


  • Uses poster for streaming upload more stable with memory issues and large files
  • Poster dependency limits use to Py 2.7 will fix in the new version


  • Major improvement to move, batch copy, and task reporting
  • Major improvements to access tool to allow users read/write permission to entire Folder/collection.


  • Handles bandnames during upload thanks to Lukasz for original upload code
  • Removed manifest option, that can be handled by seperate tool (ppipe)


  • Removing the initialization loop error


  • Added improvement to earthengine authorization


  • Added capability to handle PlanetScope 4Band Surface Reflectance Metadata Type
  • General Improvements


  • Tool improvements and enhancements


  • New tool EE_Report was added


  • Fixed issues with install
  • Dependencies now part of
  • Updated Parser and general improvements