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For the duration of the workspace I have setup a JupyterHub for all of you, which esentially means a Virtual Machine setup so you can access a Jupyter notebook, you can also access the terminal and install additional tools and access and play with the CLI tools we will discuss here. You can do everything we are discuss on your local machine

Setup: 1. Go to the IP address listed in the Google Group, or I will put it up on the day of the presentation. Your username is your email address you used to register for the workshop, you have been given access already

2. The first time put any password you want, remember this is the password you would use to access your account from the next time.

  1. All instances are isolated meaning none of your environment vairables,passwords, API keys are availble to other users.

  2. Planet,earthengine and porder CLI should already be available but you can do pip2 install package (pip3 has had issues).

  3. Initialize a few things run the following

earthengine authenticate
planet init