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Data Sources

Earth Engine Data Catalog

The Earth Engine Data Catalog host over 500+ datasets that have been ingested and a lot more actively curated for easy use. The catalog allows you to look for datasets using keywords as tags so search for water and see what you can find.

Open California Dataset

Apart from Education and Research account quota of 10,000 sqkm per month, you also have access to free and open data for all of California using the Open California project

High Resolution Settlement Layer

The Connectivity Lab at Facebook released high resolution population datasets for a couple of countries these are done using high resolution training data at 0.5 m resolution and can be used to understand urban density and movement. This is a 3band product where based on information from Center for International Earth Science Information Network(CIESIN). I have ingested 13 High Resolution Settlement Layers(HRSL) layers into Google Earth Engine for you to use during the period of the hackathon.

You can find the dataset here

var hrsl=ee.ImageCollection('users/samapriya/hrsl')

Microsoft: Computer generated building footprints for the United States and Open AI for Earth

In June Microsoft released 125 million Footprints in the US as Open Data,US Buildings Footprints. Though considering the segmentation and classification are performed for Building rooftops as is a better indicator of rooftoop edges. That being said this was also when the discussion and interest in Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit CNTK. You can find more about the research including the papers and the resnet base on their github page

Another important and interesting project was the Land Cover Mapping using CNTK and the GeoAI DataScience VM. Head to the [main website]

Microsoft: AI for Earth

I am including the series of links and useful follow ups posted earlier on Slack to have easy reference

Azure Setup Azure AI School Azure Congnitive Services Azure VM Services
Student Signup Azure AI school Azure cognitive Services Azure Data Science VM
Free Account Setup Azure AI Demo Azure cognitive services demo Azure Geo Data Science VM
Azure Doc AI Lab Azure Deep Learning VM
Azure SDK and Tools

Azure Machine Learning and AI
Azure Machine Learning Overview
Azure ML Sample Datasets
Deep Learning and AI Frameworks
Azure ML and data science Tools
Samples and Walkthroughs
Azure AI Gallery for community samples

Satellogic Open Data

Head over to Satellogic's data explorer and use the username and password provided to you during the hackathon to access their multispectral and hyperspectral datasets.


Planet CLI

The planet CLI as mentioned earlier allows you to batch activate, search, download imagery among other things interact with Planet Data API directly. You can find it here or try pip install planet


Planet notebooks

Planet Labs holds and hosts plenty of jupyter notebooks of you to be able to download, use and analyze Planet data.

Earth Engine Python Installation

You can access earthengine using python rather than javascript for batch processing. Find installation instructions here

Earth Engine CLI

This is updated quite frequently earthengine and new releases are released on pypi


Satellogic Open Impact

Satellogic maintains an open impact repository that holds tutorials to access, download and process data along with introduction to Telluric for analysis. You can find it here


satadd: Satellite Data Download Addon

I wrote tool a few days back with the idea to harmonize easy access to data that are made available from public and private open data endpoints. This will allow you to download , Planet Labs data, Satellogic Data, query and search Digital Globe data , and query and download Earth Engine imagery as neeeded. You can find the tool here or pip install satadd
