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Planet Pipeline GUI

The Planet Pipeline GUI came from the actual CLI (command line interface tools) to enable the use of tools required to access control and download planet labs assets as well as parse metadata in a tabular form which maybe required by other applications.



Table of contents


We assume Planet Python API is installed you can install by simply running

pip install planet
Further instructions can be found here

To install the tool:

git clone
cd Planet-Pipeline-GUI && pip install .

The application can be also run directly by executing PlanetPipe_GUI.pyc script. You require two important packages for this to run

WxPython(which is what the GUI is built on)
for windows(Tested in Windows 10)

for linux(Tested in Ubuntu 16)
sudo add-apt-repository "deb utopic main restricted universe"  
sudo apt-get update
apt-cache search python-wxgtk3.0
sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk3.0

Getting started

This should be pretty simple on windows systems with python >=2.7.13 you can just double click the PlanetPipe_GUI.pyc for linux user python PlanetPipe_GUI.pyc

Planet Key

This tool basically asks you to input your Planet API Key using a password prompt this is then used for all subsequent tools


If using on a private machine the Key is saved as a csv file for all future runs of the tool.


The aoijson tab within the toolset allows you to create filters and structure your existing input file to that which can be used with Planet's API. The tool requires inputs with start and end date, along with cloud cover. You can choose from multiple input files types such as KML, Zipped Shapefile, GeoJSON, WKT or even Landsat Tiles based on PathRow numbers. The geo option asks you to select existing files which will be converted into formatted JSON file called aoi.json. If using WRS as an option just type in the 6 digit PathRow combination and it will create a json file for you.


Activate or Check Asset

The activatepl tab allows the users to either check or activate planet assets. This tool makes use of an existing json file sturctured for use within Planet API or the aoi.json file created earlier


Download Size

The space tool allows the user to check the size of the activated assets before downloading while also estimating the available space on the local drive. The overall size and space is printed in MB and GB


Download Asset

The downloadpl tab allows the users to download assets that have been activated.



JetStream A portion of the work is suported by JetStream Grant TG-GEO160014.

Also supported by Planet Labs Ambassador Program